Friday, August 26, 2011

Stampin' Addicts Holiday Mini Blog Hop!

Welcome to stop 16 on the Stampin' Addicts' Holiday Mini Blog Hop!  I'm so excited to be back in the line up!  If you hopped on over from Betty's Kitty Stamp, I hope you enjoyed her fabulous projects with the new Big Shot die.  But if you are just starting here, don't worry, all the blogs are hooked together in one big loop so you won't miss a thing.

I get to share with you today some projects with the stamp set 25 and Counting.  This fun set features a number from 1-25 incorporated into Christmas-themed images on each stamp -- hence the name.  Its is perfect for all kinds of holiday projects but I am just going to share three with you today:

One of the most obvious use for this set is an Advent or Countdown to Christmas calendar.  The catalog features a beautiful 12x12 calendar, but I wanted to make something a little smaller.  This one was made from a metal CD case.  It is the perfect size for a child's room or maybe your desk at work.  And since the case opens up, you have a place to store all those numbers when they aren't being used.  Fun stuff!  It also features the Frostwood Lodge Paper and the new 1" square punch which coordinates perfectly with the stamp set.  I'll have more information about how I made this cutie on Monday so be sure to come back.

Here I used the stamps to adorn 25 boxes (made with our exclusive Candy Wrapper Big Shot Die).  Each box has some kind of treat in it and my boys will get to open one every day from December 1 - December 25.  Still a count down to the Holiday, but this time your loved one gets a little something for each day.  If you didn't want to put a treat in it, you could also put a slip of paper with a Holiday Activity on it that you could do each day.   It would also work really well for the 12 Days of Christmas.  I had a really, really hard time getting a great picture of these so I hope you can at least get the idea.  I'll share more details and some close up pictures on Wednesday of next week.

And last, but certainly not least, Bingo Cards!  I read this idea somewhere on the 'net but I couldn't find it again so kudos to who suggested it.  The images on each of these stamps are less than 1" square so they fit perfectly in the Bingo Card Background Stamp.  And the fun thing about this, is you can call out the numbers like traditional bingo B-2 or O-21.  My oldest has already asked if we can play Bingo this Christmas.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to come back Monday and Wednesday for a closer look at the projects.  Now you can hop on over to Trina's Stamp and Whiskers to see one of my favorite stamp sets from the Holiday Mini: Fun and Festive or hop on  over to Stampin' Addicts for a complete list of participating blogs and to chat it up! Happy Hopping!


beth rush said...

love that calender! so cute. and im sure the bingo game would be a hit with my kids!

Tanya Boser said...

All of these are wonderful! You may have convinced me I have to have the Bingo BG AND the countdown set, you stinker!

Ellen said...

Love, love what you've made with this stamp set! I'll definitely be back to your blog again and again

Carmen said...

Love these!! I was not seeing the potential for this set and you sure have opened my eyes!! The bingo one is my fav!!!

Anonymous said...

Kudos for all these ideas, Paula! And the bingo game is a cute twist on the obvious advent calendar use for this set.

Mickey Roberts said...

Great projects, Paula! Love the Bingo idea and the desktop countdown calendar.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful ideas! Like the die on Becky's blog, I was hoping to see more ideas with this set. The candy containers are SO cute and who wouldn't want to play Bingo with those cute cards? FUN!

Amy said...

Really cute ideas, Paula!

Shelley Z said...

WOW! I never would have thought to make these projects! Paula you did a marvelous job with this set!!

Lisa said...

I am SO CASEing that countdown tin! Thanks, Paula!

WebDeb said...

Wonderful and clever projects!

Deb B (Debadoo) said...

I'm never looking at your blog again! I don't have any of that stuff and now you've made me want it all! lol But I FB liked you, so I will be looking at all the great stuff you do! Really love the tin calendar idea!

Add Ink and Stamp said...

Paula, you really made this set a versatile one! Great job thinking out of the box.

Sara Mattson-Blume said...

SUch a great idea to use the candy wrapper dies!

Karen said...

Fun ideas. My grandchildren will love the bingo cards and/or the candy wrappers with holiday treats.

RhondaG - The Stampin' Bunny said...

So cute Paula! I think I'll make a few desktop calendars for the craft fair!!! Wonderful work friend!

Yapha said...

What clever and creative uses for this set! Absolutely amazing!!!

Missi said...

Cute, cute cute!! What great ideas!

Peggy said...

Paula - so glad I "took the tour" and found your lovely site. Your projects are terrific - especially love the CD case countdown. We are anticipating the arrival of Irene by dinnertime ...sure hope I can stamp in the dark! thanks for the great projects.

Betty said...

Wow! What a lot of work you put into these! The mini count down box is so cute- I had not thought of displaying the numbers one at a time. Nifty! And the vintage look for the Bingo cards-- love that!

Holly/Rubber Redneck said...

These are AWESOME!!! I love all of them. So now I really want the countdown set. lol

Jen Timko said...

You have shown such range with this set! Love the little wrappers especially!! My boys would be so thrilled with those! Awesome job!

Kim said...

Great projects, Paula! Love the desktop countdown calendar.

Angie (fingers inky girl) said...

WOW! You outdid yourself with these projects--great job! I love all of them, as usual!

Heidi B said...

Very cute ideas! Love the tin!!

Mel Hopes said...

Paula, this is one of the best uses of this set I have seen so far. I love the tin and will copy that for sure!!!!
Love the candy wrapper die too. Heck I love all your stuff.

great ideas I am glad that you shared them.