Friday, May 24, 2013

Open Seas Father's Day

My favorite masculine set is The Open Seas.  I'm pretty sure I use it every year to make Father's Day cards.  My father and my father in law are probably sick of it, but it is perfect.  Thankfully it is in the new catalog so I get to use it for at least one more year.   Here's this year's version:
Colors: Not Quite Navy, River Rock and Whisper White.  Stamps: The Open Seas and Teeny Tiny Wishes.  Punches: Modern Label and Word Window.  Accessories: 1/8" Brads.

While the stamps are not retiring, Not Quite Navy and River Rock are.  I have already mentioned here how much I will miss Not Quite Navy, but River Rock is one that I am OK with it going.  I like it when it was an in color, but I haven't used it much since it returned.  It also features the simple, yet fabulous "Triple Stamp" technique.  I showed this technique and explained how to do it last fall on this card: Happy Fall.

We're down to the last week before the new catalog begins.  If you have not already received a copy of it and would like one, let me know.  I have a case of them arriving today.


  1. Great masculine card! I love the combo of collage and triple stamping. The colors are great for it!

  2. Great color combo and you are so right about this set - perfect for the guys in our lives! Don't worry about the images; most likely they are just happy to get something hand made :)

  3. Another fab card with this timeless set. I bet they are amazed at the variety you can get from one set of images....if they even realize they are the same. I mean really. They are guys and they get the cards a year apart ;)
