Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November!!

I love November.  It really is my favorite month of the year.  Might have something to do with a certain someone's birthday that is this month.  But I also love that you get to enjoy the last lingering days of fall and the first early days of winter.  And Thanksgiving with all it's food, friends, family and fun followed by the beginning of the Holiday Season.

Oh and usually, we have the beginning of basketball season in November too.  (If you don't know, I'm a huge Utah Jazz fan).  But alas, this year the NBA lockout is getting in the way of that.  But that does leave more time for stamping and blogging.

October was a fabulous for me and my business.  Thanks to some wonderful hostesses and my great friends and customers who let me share what I love with them and their friends.  And I really want to keep that momentum going.  This month Stampin' Up! is sweetening the pot too: host a workshop from now through December 15 and Stampin' Up! will through in an extra $35 in hostess benefits when your workshop reaches $350 or more.

Also this month will be my annual Christmas Card (and Gift) Crank!  You won't want to miss out on this great chance to get all your Christmas cards and even some handmade gifts done and out of the way.  Right now, I have this class scheduled for November 18 and 19.  But I'm looking to add one more date if you have a suggestion.  I'll be previewing projects for the class over the next week or so.

Last of all, Stampin' Up has extended it's FREE BIG SHOT promotion until November 11.  This is the best sign up bonus I've ever seen.  Join Stampin' Up and get a Big Shot die cut machine absolutely free.

My favorite part of November is spending some time reflecting on my blessings.  Stampin' Up has been a big blessing in my life.  It allows me to run my own business how I choose and I get to make all kinds of new friends in the process.  Thank you for being part of my Stampin' Up! world. :)

You probably noticed the change to Christmas decorations here on my blog.  I know that puts me in the doghouse with those of you that would rather wait until after Thanksgiving to see them.  But I will be showcasing lots of Holiday products over the next few weeks so I thought I'd get into the spirit a little early.  The images are from the Savor the Season MDS kit that is available to Hostesses for a limited time only. 

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