Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just not feeling it . . .

I love holiday weekends. It usually means I get some guilt-free stamp time. So yesterday afternoon I set out to get some challenges and all my class projects done for June. First, I had to dig out my craft table. I have a horrible habit of leaving my stamps out and scraps spread everywhere. So I spent some time putting things away and discovering that yes, there really is a table under there and it's not just a big pile of paper scraps.

Then it was time to get stamping!!!! I just sat there. Tried a few things, and they just weren't working. Tried my scrapbook layout for next month, but I'm missing something I need that is coming in an order this week. My other class? Nothing! Sketch challenges? Nada. (Insert big sigh here.) A whole craft day wasted!

Or almost anyway. I did make this card with the Fifth Avenue Floral set. It's the best I could come up with yesterday:

Maybe I was just suffering from a fear of embellisments yesterday? Even the picture is a bit off. Couldn't get it straight to save my life. I hope the cure is right around the corner: the retirement list and new catalog preview are released next Monday. That is sure to inspire some great creations.

In the abscence of stamping mojo, I did give my blog a make over last night. Notice now that it has three columns instead of two. I really wanted to share my SA sisters blogs but I didn't want to hide the list at the bottom of my one side column. I also found this site that has really cute backgrounds and headers for free! Check it out if you are in the market for a blog makeover: www.shabbyblogs.com. Let me know what you think.

Card Recipe:
Stamps: Fifth Avenue Floral
Colors: Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip, Baja Breeze and Whisper White

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